The International Paper Foundation has awarded a $2,500 grant to Carteret Partnership for Children in support of our Reach Out and Read Program.
Reach Out and Read is a national program that works with area physicians in helping families understand the importance of reading. At their regular well check-ups, medical providers "prescribe" reading to young children and families......using their in-depth knowledge as well as their expertise on child development to give parents guidance about early literacy and the significance of reading aloud. Children leave their visit with a beautiful, new age and culturally appropriate book in hand, ensuring families have the tools they need to read together at home.
To date, the Partnership's partners with three local pediatric practices: Kids Rule Pediatrics, PA; Carteret Children's Clinics; and Oceanside Pediatrics.
This grant is just one example of International Paper's commitment to projects and programs that support their Signature Causes - education, hunger, health and wellness, disaster relief and initiatives that work to improve our planet. The company strives to address critical community needs where their employees live and work.
Our sincere thanks to International Paper and their Foundation for their support and commitment to the children and families of Carteret County.